Setting Up

Browser Conversions


If you're unable to use server-side conversions, you can always fallback to browser conversions. With browser-based tracking, you can trigger conversion events directly in the browser, ensuring accurate attribution for your ads.

This method allows you to send purchase (order success) events directly from the frontend.

How to Trigger Browser Conversions

Fire the purchase event when an order is successfully completed.

weberlo('order-success', { email: '[email protected]', // Required transaction_id: 'unique_id_for_deduplication', // Required transaction_amount: '30.00', // Required (use . as separator) transaction_currency: 'USD', transaction_description: 'Test Product Purchase', // Required first_name: 'Alice', last_name: 'Smith', name: 'Alice Smith', phone: '+987654321' });

Key Fields:

  • email (Required) – The customer’s email.
  • transaction_id (Required) – A unique identifier for deduplication.
  • transaction_amount (Required) – The purchase amount (use . as a separator).
  • transaction_currency – Currency code (e.g., USD, EUR).
  • transaction_description (Required) – Description of the purchase.
  • first_name, last_name, name, phone (Optional) – Additional customer details.

⚠️ Important Notes

  • Ensure the Weberlo tracking code is loaded before executing the event tracking code.
  • Use unique transaction_id values to prevent duplicate order tracking.
  • Browser conversions should be used as a fallback when server-side tracking is not available.