What to read
Having the capability to view which platform you are using is doing the best and converts more sales to your business is really an advantage for you. And Weberlo records it.
Date of Information; Information can be sorted out by dates: Daily,Monthly orAnnual Or you can also select the specific dates
Date of information
The information changes in the Main Categories,Timeline /Graphs and Detailed Traffic Sources based on the dates you've selected.
Traffic sections
The Main Categories have four (4) options: Uniques (views), Form Submits, Orders and Sales.
- Unique : These are page views.
- Form Submits : These are submitted forms.
- Orders : These are all the completed orders.
- Sales: These are the total sales.
Whenever you select a category, the data on the Timeline /Graphs changes accordingly.
Detailed Traffic Source shows where all the information comes from. Information is categorized in a specific way, such as:
- Email : When someone opens up your site from an email.
- Referral: When someone opens up your site using referral links.
- Search Engine : When someone searches for your website using any search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc…
- Facebook Ads: When someone opens up your website through Facebook Ads.
- Social Media: When someone opens up your website using other social media platforms.
Detailed Traffic Sources
Updated 31 Oct 2023
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