Getting Started

Creating links


Effective digital marketing campaigns are monitored using a variety of tools, including

UTM tracking codes are essential tools in data analytics tools. The UTM codes help you identify the best-performing content based on your marketing goals.

Creating a UTM link:

Utm link
Utm link

This is an example of a UTM link. Let's break down the information.

An example of a UTM link
An example of a UTM link

URL : this is the website's address or URL. It's important to know if it starts with HTTP or HTTPS.

his is the website's address or URL
his is the website's address or URL

?utm_source : This is the main source of the campaign (Facebook, Instagram, Google).


?utm_medium : If it's under a specific group/page.


?utm_campaign : Name of the campaign/ad.


?utm_content : This is the subject of the campaign.

Whitespace is represented by %20. If your campaign subject needs whitespace, you should use this instead.